Hi there!

If you're reading this message, it's probably because you've blocked/disabled JavaScript in your browser.

That's cool and all – no judgement here. But the thing is, our site really needs JavaScript to show you all the neat stuff we do here at Kairos Media.

One especially neat thing? We set up our website to prevent all tracking tags and scripts from firing until after a user has consented to their use. So, if you wanted to check this page out with JavaScript enabled, we'll let you do that without winding up on any ad retargeting lists.

We even added a big, sticky banner to the first page you'll visit to explain all this...but the banner requires JavaScript, too. Sort of a chicken-and-egg situation, really...

Anyways, hope that's cool with you! Sincerely,

– The Management

The Internet Has Gone Foul. [Part I of IV]

“Let me tell you some things I find productive. Positive reinforcement. Negative reinforcement. Honesty. I’ll tell you some things I find unproductive: constantly worrying about where you stand based on inscrutable social clues, and then inevitably re-framing it all in a reassuring way so that you can get to sleep at night. No, I do … Read more